About me

Hey Señorita’s, Leanne here. I am a fun loving mum of two and my little darlings are Roman 6, Arabella 5 and this is my story.

Back in June 2021 I was just going about my normal busy life when I found 2 small lumps in my left breast. I didn’t really think anything of it as I am a super healthy, non drinker who’s never even tried a cigarette. I am a vegetarian who trains hard in the gym and probably take every supplement going!

An appointment at my doctors resulted in me being sent for an ultrasound scan a few days later. Fast forward 2 weeks and I was told the words nobody ever wants to hear, “I’m so sorry Leanne but unfortunately you have breast cancer”. Whilst time stood still in that moment, I just remember turning to my now Husband Brett (I will get to that part soon!) who I’ve been with for 12 years and thinking how on earth is he going to cope with our children alone - there’s no way I am going anywhere.

To keep my long story short I was diagnosed with the most aggressive breast cancer. During my double mastectomy the doctors discovered that the cancer had already spread to my lymph nodes and so further lymph node removal surgery was necessary. Once I had recovered from surgery, the 6 months gruelling chemotherapy treatment started. To say my body didn’t react to the treatment very well is an understatement as I ended up in hospital on multiple occasions due to the very cruel adverse effects the chemotherapy was having on my body.

Unlucky for the cancer though, I am one very tough cookie. There was absolutely no way I was letting it beat me and take me away from my family. It took everything in me to push hard and carried on with my life as normal as I could, doing everything with my children and trying to keep everything as normal as possible for them. All they knew was mummy had poorly boobies and the doctors had to take them away and some nasty medicine made all my hair fall out and so they really were none the wiser.

Once I finished with chemotherapy I then had radiotherapy everyday for a month and I have to take tamoxifen everyday for the next 10 years.

Having gone though all of that really puts everything into perspective and I love life even more now than I did before!

Halfway through radiotherapy I was lay in bed one morning and I just said to Brett “when I finish treatment shall we just go and get married, me, you, Roman and Arabella?”We had already been planning on getting married, as we had been engaged since February 2020, but had been unable to get anything organised due to the two C’s COVID AND CRUELLA (We called the cancer cruella as I just hate the C word) obviously Brett said yes !! I mean did he really have a choice!?

Just two weeks later, as a family of 4 we flew to the Maldives and married in secret and this finally brings me to where I found my beautiful bags.

I saw a lady with one of the gorgeous bags and she told me they had been handmade by women in Mexico and that they were made from recycled plastics and each one is unique.

I just absolutely loved the story behind these bags. However I couldn’t justify flying to Mexico just for a bag and so when I returned home I looked into the bags further and thought it would be a great idea to bring them
to the UK…… and so

I am very happy and excited to bring Mexico back to the UK with these very special ‘one of a kind’ bags. They are handmade by women which helps support this community of artisans that live in very poor conditions, by providing them with much needed work.

These distinctive bags are lightweight, made with recycled plastic, are durable and easy to clean, and did I mention waterproof? The perfect bag for your everyday needs!

In addition to this, I have had tags added to our bags (not sure why I keep saying our because it’s just me) made from 100% recycled acrylic to keep in line with the sustainable but still fabulous ethos.

I really hope you love them as much as I do!

Leanne x
P.S PLEASE check you boobs because mine almost killed me!